Open licences

Your published data must be licensed using the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (cc-by) version 4, to make it available for anyone to access, use and share.

If you do not own the data (e.g. in the case of a booking system provider), then you need to ensure that you obtain permission to publish the data.

You need to amend your terms and conditions to indicate that your users’ sessions will be published openly. You may also give your users an option to opt-out of session publishing, while sending them an e-mail notifying them that you are turning data sharing on.

Sample text

Updating your Terms and Conditions:

Publishing Sessions Openly
Information about your session that is already available publicly (e.g. title, location, description, date/time, price, images) will be published as open data for anyone to access, use and share, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (cc-by) version 4. This gives your sessions more visibility by publishing them openly to apps and websites that will help you promote your sessions. This will help more people find your sessions, and will not incur any additional cost to you. [You may opt-out of this free service in your settings page.]

Adding a checkbox visible in your application as below:

Publish Sessions Openly
Information about your sessions that is already available publicly (e.g. title, location, description, date/time, price, images) is published for anyone to access, use and share. This helps more people find your sessions, by making them visible on other apps and websites. This does not incur any additional cost to you.

Sending an e-mail alert:

Publishing Sessions Openly
We are now giving your sessions more visibility by publishing information about them that is already available publicly (e.g. title, location, description, date/time, price, images) openly to apps and websites that will help you promote your sessions. This will help more people find your sessions, and will not incur any additional cost to you. If you want to opt-out of this free service, go to your settings page.

Other resources

How to build OpenActive functionality

Visit our step-by-step guide on how to build OpenActive functionality to support open data publishing.

View the guide

Letting your customers know

Once you have built OpenActive functionality to publish open data, use this email template to let your customers know about how they could benefit!

View template